2016年1月6日 星期三

PLACE ● 所在



交通方式&路線:可至 Google Map 上搜尋"咪兒民宿",也可以找到唷!

1. 自行抵達─從九宮碼頭出發→沿著九井路直走經過勝利門→經東林市集7-11→看到八達樓子請繞圓環往左(喜峯口方向)→直走經過烈嶼鄉公所、中油加油站→過南塘村的上下坡後直直走→注意右側有「上岐國小」路牌→右轉見到橘色三層樓建築,恭喜您!抵達終點~

2. 大眾運輸─公車站就在旅客服務中心旁,可搭乘南北線、北南線、南線順、南線逆至「青岐站」下車(由於目前整點、半點下車站不同,可請司機提醒到站),下車找到「上岐國小」就對啦!時刻表請參考金門縣公車即時動態連結

3. 計程車─九宮碼頭都有排班的計程車,如不想等候公車,也可請司機大哥載至咪兒民宿。





  機:0912-269-134洪小姐  0935-502-563洪爸爸
LINE ID:@822jpmzx

Mir's Location
Mir Homestay’s address:  No.1-6, Qingqi, Lieyu Township, Kinmen County 894, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  金門縣烈嶼鄉青岐1-6
Our location is close to Shang-Chyi elementary school. 
Click the map and see where we are.
Orange building
How to get here? Try Goole Map and key in "Mir Homestay, Kinmen".

1.By motorcycle, bike, or walk ─ You can download the file: WAY TO Mir Homestay and follow the route.
◎If you’ve rented a motorcycle, the ferry can ship the motorcycle from Shuitou Pier to Jiugong Pier ( Leiyu Township, also called little Kinmen). It takes about 15 minutes form Jiugong Pier to here by motorcycle.
◎Riding bike and walking are good ways to here if you have enough time to explore. You also could rent a Electric scooter from Lieyu visitor information center ( tel: 082-364-181 ).

2.By bus ─ The bus stop is next to the Leiyu visitor information center. Bus routes to Mir Homestay are South-North line (南北線), North-South line (北南線), or South line (南線). And the destination is “Shang-Chyi elementary school (上岐國小)”. You may ask the bus driver remind which stop you could get off.

3.By taxi ─ Jump into a taxi! Show our Chinese address to driver.

If still have any questions, please feel free to contact with Mir Homestay.
E-mail: kinmenmir@gmail.com
Cell Phone no.:+886-912-269-134 Joyce
Line ID:@822jpmzx